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Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy (OMT) is functional training for the muscles of the mouth, head and neck. OMT is used to treat 

Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders (OMD's).  

These disorders can cause compensations, improper facial growth, 

poor sleep quality and reduced airway.  

Exercises are specifically designed to improve swallowing, 

nasal breathing, tongue posture and lip seal.  

OMD's can be found in most everyone of all ages



With over 25 years of experience as a registered dental hygienist and more than 35 years in the dental field, I have always prioritized comprehensive patient care. During each appointment, I consistently perform oral cancer screenings and thoroughly examine the mouths and airways of patients of all ages.

Despite my extensive experience, I was never formally educated about proper muscle function or Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders (OMDs). Unfortunately, this lack of knowledge is common across many healthcare professions.

My personal experience with OMDs, affecting both my family and myself, drove me to pursue training as a Myofunctional Therapist. This specialized education has enabled me to address and manage these disorders effectively, improving the quality of life for my loved ones and myself.

I am committed to applying this knowledge to assist you and your family, ensuring you receive the highest standard of care.

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Orofacial myofunctional disorders (OMDs) are patterns involving the muscles of the face,

head and mouth that interfere with normal growth, development and function. 

If you have any of the symptoms listed below, you may benefit from myofunctional therapy.

Tongue ties / Lip ties

Tongue thrust

Low tongue posture

Open mouth posture

Mouth breathing

Thumb sucking

Pacifier use (Past the age of 1 yr)

Teeth grinding / Clenching

Brain fog / Tired during the day

Stuffy nose/ Allergies

Night sweats


Orthodontic Relapse

UARS - Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome

Snoring / noisy sleeper

Restless sleeper

Misaligned or crowded teeth


Difficulty swallowing pills/ certain foods

Picky or messy eater

Forward head posture

TMJ & Neck pain

High, Narrow palate

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